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Average rating from 2 meals 8.5 / 10
Photo Views: 12
Restaurant Views: 1,786
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Foodle Reviews

8 / 10
on 28 Jan 2016

Tom Kemble trained by Mikael Johnsson left Hedone* to start a new career in this hidden gem of a restaurant.

9 / 10
on 21 Sep 2015

I found the food here beautifully done and had a refined quality in all courses. I would attribute the a la carte prices to its location and I do appreciate that it is not trying to be a mainstream restaurant for people coming specifically there to dine (except people like myself). Tom Kemble has moved away from Hedone to strike gold on his first bespoke restaurant that he is in charge of so no doubt learned a great deal from Mikael Jonsson which has paid off hugely. It is the perfect addition... More

Recommended in London


101 New Bond St, Mayfair, London W1S 1SR, UK


Open hours


+44 20 7447 7447

