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Ben’s Canteen London


Average rating from 1 meal 6 / 10
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Restaurant Views: 831
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Foodle Reviews

6 / 10
on 03 Apr 2016

I have to be honest and say that I had never heard of Ben’s Canteen until I was shown here by a friend as a decent, passing option and I was absolutely chuffed as a result. It’s the sort of casual yet ‘fits all occasions nicely’ venue with its simple but stylish design and friendly Antipodean staff. It was only a brunch had on this occasion and I gathered the bloody and virgin Mary’s are a big favourite (that also pack a fair punch) whereas I opted for the peanut butter and banana... More

Recommended in London


140 St John's Hill, Battersea, London SW11 1SL, UK


Permanently Closed


+44 20 7228 3260

