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Dining Room at The Goring London


Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
Photo Views: 27
Restaurant Views: 1,265
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Traditional British

Foodle Reviews

7 / 10
on 25 Sep 2015

Some places simply tick every box and make you feel completely at home and this is one of those places. It’s a difficult thing to pull off – luxury whilst also making one feel entirely comfortable and only three places I have ever been to spring to my mind in being able to truly achieve this. These are: Lucknam Park, The Connaught and here at The Goring. I find it very difficult to see how this will change much in the future and the short version for this visit is that apart from... More

Recommended in London


15 Beeston Pl, Westminster, London SW1W 0JW, UK


+44 20 7396 9000

