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Average rating from 1 meal 9 / 10
Photo Views: 40
Restaurant Views: 1,642
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French Cuisine, French


Michel Roux Jr.

Foodle Reviews

9 / 10
on 19 Apr 2009

Although I have only been here once it remains one of the most special places I have been to in my life on its uniqueness. I went a week after doing the London marathon as a special treat and with the calorific intake that the classic French tasting menu is, it was probably a good thing that I had run 26.2 miles days before in preparation of the meal. The food was simple, French dishes done extremely well and the cinnamon pancakes with the foie gras were frankly an instant, death-row meal contender... More

Recommended in London


43 Upper Brook St, Mayfair, London W1K 7QR, UK


Temporarily Closed


+44 (20) 74 08 08 81

