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Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
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Meats and Grills

Foodle Reviews

on 25 Jun 2020

For me Asador Epeleta is an excellent place for old cows but it is also more than just food. I had never met a female master (not sure if she is the daughter of the owner) for asador but here I met one, very young too! The lady owner Amalur Ansorena was so gracious and affable, greeting and talking to everyone with a big smile all the time. She makes you feel like family. Hospitality 100!
And of course, meeting my dear friend @jmoranmoya for the first meal of the trip was very special... More

7 / 10
on 07 Jul 2017

Old fashioned asador in the basque country, halfway in between San Sebastian and Pamplona.
A all female staff, including the owner, produce some very simple but stunning dishes.
The chuleton was slightly more than 1.5kg and cooked to perfection.

Recommended in Lekunberri


Aralar Kalea, s/n, 31870 Lekunberri, Navarra, Spain


Open hours


+34 948 50 43 57

