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Ammar - Restaurante Leça da Palmeira


Average rating from 0 meals 0 / 10
Photo Views: 3
Restaurant Views: 911
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Foodle Reviews

on 09 Jan 2021

Por falar em pratos de polvo com o cefalópode cozinhado comme il faut ...

são poucos os espaços como o @restauranteammar , onde os tentáculos encontram um ponto imaculado de cozedura!

Ps: um belo pudim de brioche posou para a foto do remate final!

Speaking of octopus dishes with the cooked cephalopod comme il faut ...

there are few restaurants like @restauranteammar, where the tentacles find an immaculate cooking point!

Ps: a beautiful brioche pudding... More

on 05 Mar 2020

Some clouds trying to f*ck my sunset !! @restauranteammar .
Ps: this is the perfect room for a date

Recommended in Leça da Palmeira


R. Fuzelhas nº 5, 4450-683 Leça da Palmeira, Portugal


Permanently Closed


+351 22 995 8241

