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Trattoria Lanzagallo Gaibana


Average rating from 1 meal 4 / 10
Photo Views: 2
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Seafood, Traditional Cuisine

Foodle Reviews

4 / 10
on 09 Sep 2021

Simple trattoria in the lower Ferrara area, known to most for the fish that comes from the nearby Venetian markets. Troccoli (fresh handmade pasta) with cicadas of the sea and tomato sauce; the dish wasn't bad, but the tomato covered the delicate flavor of the fresh cicadas of the sea. Catalan-style tuna roastbeef (Tomatoes, olives and capers) dish not up to expectations, the tuna was overcooked and therefore dry and stringy, the other ingredients was unrelated. Cream biscuits, the cream was too... More


Via Ravenna, 1048 Loc. Gaibana, 44124 Ferrara FE, Italy


Open hours


+39 0532 718001

