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Red Lion at East Chisenbury East Chisenbury


Average rating from 1 meal 8 / 10
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Guy Manning, Brittany Manning


Classic Cuisine

Foodle Reviews

8 / 10
on 15 Feb 2017

Another evening visit to this delightful pub and yet another evening in darkness as all my visits during the winter have been here! I’ve been here too many times to not be here during the summer and on this visit it was nice to see the upper private dining room that can booked if done in advance and for up to roughly 10 people. What I would love to do here as well at some stage is have breakfast which it will also provide as it is an Inn with rooms in the classic of senses which I also love... More


East Chisenbury, Pewsey SN9 6AQ, UK


+44 (1980) 67 11 24

