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Charlotte & Fritz Berlin


Average rating from 1 meal 8 / 10
Photo Views: 9
Restaurant Views: 1,726
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Ingredients of the season Cuisine


Daniel Müller

Foodle Reviews

8 / 10
on 03 Nov 2012

This was an exceptionally well prepared meal but sadly it did not make a big enough impact in terms of flavours and dishes for me to palce this in the forever memory folder. There was real attention to detail no question and that was as much in the food as it was in the service and the foie gras with layer of peppered sugar crust and fig chutney as well as the cod with bacon lardons were both fabulous. However, all other dishes simmered at pleasant and the restaurant fulfilled its secondary role... More

Recommended in Berlin


Charlottenstraße 49, 10117 Berlin, Germany


Open hours


+49 (30) 2033 6363

