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African Queen Beaulieu-sur-Mer


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Foodle Reviews

on 27 Aug 2024

Warm Prawns @africanqueenrestaurant 🔥🦐
Back in France and made a quick stop at African Queen for dinner. It’s a nice vibe here in the evenings with plenty on the menu. Some good, some great with a few standouts. Their warm prawns are delicious, as is their truffle pizza which is one of the best in town. For me though it’s that foie gras with brioche and fig jam that is one of their stand outs. The foie is so rich and creamy. It spreads with ease over the brioche and the sweet... More

Recommended in Beaulieu-sur-Mer


Port de Plaisance, 06310 Beaulieu-sur-Mer, France


Open hours


+33 4 93 01 10 85

