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Bath Priory Bath


Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
Photo Views: 1
Restaurant Views: 932
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Adam Simmonds


Modern British

Foodle Reviews

7 / 10
on 01 Jun 2014

This was a lovely afternoon I experienced as a Birthday treat from my ex-girlfriend. We went for the full blown tasting menu and the dishes were very stylish and no question of pleasing flavours but no stand out dish making it another pleasant but mid-range 1 Michelin starred option. It was as a fact of staying there that the menu was done fully, and so in summary I would not go back just for the food, but as a place to have a pleasant experience, the lounge, fireplace and garden were absolutely... More

Recommended in Bath


Weston Rd, Bath BA1 2XT, UK


+44 (1225) 33 19 22

