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7 Mehmet Antalya


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Foodle Reviews

on 29 Jan 2019

Dinner@7mehmetrestaurant ,Antalya, Turkey 🇹🇷 .
The name 7 Mehmet comes from the chef Mehmet Akdag who was born here in Antalya, and has been working in kitchens here since he was very young when other children of his age were still at school learning to write on blackboards.
The story goes that while working for a very well regarded chef whom Mehmet looked up to very much, a hair was found in a guest’s dish. The chef, Hadji Hasan, duly lost his shit and handed down the most fearsome... More

Recommended in Antalya


Meltem Mahallesi, Meltem, Atatürk Kültür Parkı, Dumlupınar Bulvarı No:201, 07030 Muratpaşa/Antalya, Turkey


Open hours


+90 242 238 52 00

