Ramen at Shokudō Shichisai (食堂 七彩 )

Ramen at Shokudō Shichisai (食堂 七彩 )

at Shokudo Shichisai (食堂七彩) on 6 December 2019
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Recommended bowl: Finest Kitakata-style

Shichisai’s flagship is now located near Tokyo station, but before that outpost opened it was here, at the original Shichisai in Toritsu-Kasei. This shop is rock-solid all around, serving incredible hand-made noodles and some of the finest chashu across the land. High-class Kitakata-style shoyu and an original tantanmen highlight the menu, but everything is absolutely legit and recommended. Simply put, an all-around excellent ramen shop.

8 / 10