Ramen at Hiwa Mata Noboru (陽はまたのぼる )

Ramen at Hiwa Mata Noboru (陽はまたのぼる )

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Recommended bowl: Max niboshi

For niboshi lovers this was one of the premier destinations to debut in 2017. The master trained at Haru, an established niboshi specialist in Iriya. Here the niboshi soup is cooked twice, and multiple varieties of dried fish are also used, including three types of shirokuchi and a few kinds of seguro and aji. The result is light yet still packing a potent niboshi flavor. The noodles come from Murakami Asahi Seimen, and aedama noodles are available too. Limited-edition gentei menu items are also on offer occasionally, including some ultra-thick, almost porridge-like niboshi soups. These specialty dishes can be limited to less than ten bowls served per day.

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