Dinner at Rouhe Noodle Parlor 揉合麺荘

Dinner at Rouhe Noodle Parlor 揉合麺荘

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排骨汁なし担々麺 / Paiko Shirunashi Tantanmen / Rōfūmensō - Hatagaya, Tokyo

Shirunashi tantanmen contains sesame paste, minced meat paste, red onion pickled in sweet vinegar, bean sprouts, garlic chives and chili oil. Topped with fried pork cutlet and a tortilla chip. Noodles are house-made using a noodle machine in the shop.

Run by chef Ochiai-san, Rōfūmensō is a new concept by the brand Kisurin. Tantanmen is offered during lunch hours, with an extended menu of Chinese dishes and alcohol available for dinner. 10 seats. Open since November 2019. @rouhe_tokyo