Dinner at 麺匠而今

Dinner at 麺匠而今

at Mensho Jikon (麺匠 而今) on 27 May 2022
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特製醤油 / Tokusei Shoyu / Menshou Zikon - Moriguchi, Osaka

Triple soup combines broths of pork bones, chicken carcasses and gyokai (mostly saba and katsuo). Shoyu (or shio) tare. Medium thick straight noodles made with high water content are special ordered. Tokusei comes with three slices each of rare pork shoulder chashu and chicken breast chashu.

Master Manokubo-san trained at the Menya Jikon Daito Honten (flagship) in east Osaka, before opening this branch norenwake style using his own unique recipes. Six seats. Since May 2014.