Dinner at くろ崎

Dinner at くろ崎

at Kurosaki (くろ﨑) on 29 February 2024
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I have a hard time describing Kurosaki-san's style. Elegant is one adjective that comes to mind. It doesn't seem to follow any formula. And the pacing, mixture of appetizers and sushi, and preparations feel more modern. But the flavors are balanced and traditional. The flavor profile is definitely not subtle - there are abundant sweet, sour, and rich flavors throughout - but none are overpowering and seem out of place. In fact, some of the flavors are even hyper-traditional, including use of irizake and a hamaguri marinade that is most famous at one of Tokyo's oldest sushiya (#宮葉).
Back in November, the meal started with sashimi - shirako soup, matsukawa karei irizake, meji maguro, and sawara wara-yaki. Each slice of fish was served with a different condiment as well.