Dinner at Patta Nakameguro

Dinner at Patta Nakameguro

at Patta Nakameguro on 5 February 2024
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Patta Nakameguro


名前は『Patta Nakameguro(パッタ ナカメグロ)』、2023年12月23日にグランドオープン。仕掛け人の浅田氏は、横浜ボンベイで2年間の修行を経て、六本木に横浜ボンベイを開業した人物。ただ、それは仮店舗という位置づけであり、満を辞してここ中目黒に実店舗をオープンさせた形になります。祝い花には、エイベックスの松浦氏やLDHの名前が並ぶなど、ある意味新人ながら既に只者ではない店なのだと予感させます。笑

Patta(パッタ) カレー、980円。



A new restaurant has joined the lineage of legendary curry stores Delhi and Bombay.

It is called "Patta Nakameguro" and will have its grand opening on December 23, 2023. The man behind the restaurant, Asada, is the same man who opened Yokohama Bombay in Roppongi after two years of training at Yokohama Bombay. However, it was positioned as a temporary store, and he has now taken the full responsibility of opening an actual store here in Nakameguro.

Patta Curry, 980 yen.

The curry bearing the restaurant's name is what is called "Chicken Korma Curry. Actually, it was not on the menu at his master restaurant, Yokohama Bombay, but it was created by having him recreate the taste from his Delhi days, when he also worked there. This episode also shows the good relationship between master and disciple. The taste is based on the sweetness and umami of onions, to which sourness and fruity flavors are added. Personally, I like the Kashmir and medicinal Bombay that the family boasts, but the lineup is perfect.

Once again, congratulations on the opening. Keep spreading the flavors of my favorite Delhi and Bombay!
