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Casa Gerardo Texera


Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
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Pedro & Marco Moran


Modern Cuisine, Modern Asturian

Foodle Reviews

on 02 Jun 2022

@pedromorancg warm welcome to @ricardcamarena at Casa Gerardo for a very special dinner prepared by him and his son @marcosmoran as the hosts of the Michelin Guide tour “Mountain and Mine” in Asturias

#CocinadePaisaje #ParaísoNatural #gastronomía

on 31 May 2022

Last but not least. Petit fours at Casa Gerardo

7 / 10
on 05 Jan 2020

It was all about the superbly prepared seafood and traditional regional Asturian dishes back in January when I visited another gem on the Camino del Norte. ⭐️ Casa Gerardo, in Prendes, is 135 years old and the Moran father and son team cooking there now are the fourth and fifth generation of cooks to do so. There is a perfect symbiosis between the traditional and the avant-garde here. Traditional dishes like fabada de Prendes (Asturian bean stew), hake with pilpil sauce and creamy rice pudding... More


km 9 Carretera AS-19 Prendes, 33438 Texera, Asturias, Spain


Open hours


+34 (98) 5887797

