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Average rating from 1 meal 6 / 10
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Tomoharu Shono


Japanese, Ramen

Foodle Reviews

on 06 Jun 2021

まかない / Makanai / Mensho Tokyo SF - San Francisco, California

Staff meals served April-June 2021 @prc54 @team_mensho

on 24 May 2021

辛大蒜鶏白湯 / G.K.O. / Mensho Tokyo SF - San Francisco, California

Rich and creamy chicken soup, Mensho OG spicy sauce, black garlic oil, pork chashu, chili fried carrot, cilantro, green onion, four types of fried garlic. Noodles made fresh daily. Corn Wings and Spicy Corn Wings on the side. New menu available now at Mensho Tokyo SF. Business hours extended to 10pm starting next week. @menya_shono


on 09 Apr 2021

スパイシーラム味噌らぁめん / Spicy Lamb Miso Ramen / Mensho Tokyo SF - San Francisco, CA

Creamy toripaitan chicken soup, special miso tare blend. Noodles made fresh daily using locally ground California wheat. Spicy ground lamb, cilantro, chili oil, fenugreek, fried carrots and eggplant. New menu addition starting tomorrow. Mensho Tokyo SF open since 2016, official renewal opening April 2021 @menya_shono @team_mensho

6 / 10
on 21 Dec 2018

A really authentic ramen place set up with the help of a Japanese chef and Abram “the Tamne Beast”.

Recommended in San Francisco


672 Geary St, San Francisco, CA 94102, USA


Open hours


+1 415-800-8345

