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Vladimir Mukhin


Creative, Russian

Foodle Reviews

10 / 10
on 19 Jul 2019

A day with Super Chef Vladimir Mukhin.

It started at the Danilovsky Market where we sampled a lot of different cheeses and pickled vegetables. We then move on to his White Rabbit restaurant, where Vlad started to improvise with the produce he purchased at the market.

An unbelievable meal which showcased the creativity of Vlad while at the same proofing his technical ability to execute.

Thank you, Vladimir Mukhin

on 01 Aug 2018

Borodino bread, sour cream, 3 month fermented garlic, and sea water
Strawberry watermelon
Willow herb and honey with marivanna ::::
Homemade strawberry bonbon
White Rabbit, Moscow (Aug 2017)
#moscow #visitrussia #whiterabbit

on 28 Feb 2018

What do you do when you have 12 hours to spend in Moscow?… You go to the Best restaurant in Russia, of course.

Located under a glass dome on a 16th floor of Smolenskiy Passage, White Rabbit is the first joint project of restaurateur Boris Zarkov and chef Vladimir Mukhin.

Beautiful, modern and daring in its own way. Here for the first time Russian cuisine sounds in unison with the latest culinary trends and Russian products rise to a height of recognized delicacies. Every dish from White Rabbit... More

Recommended in Moscow


Smolenskaya Square, 3, Moskva, Russia, 121099


Open hours


+7 495 510-51-01

