Restaurant Views: 2,975
Japanese Restaurants 2024, 32
- Tabelog
- 2025 Silver
- La Liste
La Liste, #82
- Restaurant Ranking
Restaurant Ranking 2024, #469, PRO #18.33, USER #0.00
- Gault & Millau
- 3 Torques, 2020
- Gault & Millau Public Mark
- 15.5 / 20
Ratings from the web
- Tabelog
- 4.42
Masashi Yamada
Japanese Cuisine, Seafood
Foodle Reviews
Matsutake season at Yanagiya, this never gets old •
#foodgasm #yum #eat #foodpic #foodpics #foodphotography #foodlover #tasty #hungry #foodblogger #dessert #foods #cooking #foodies #eating #chef #foodblog #nomnom #delicious #food #foodie #instafood... More
Matsutake season at Yanagiya, this never gets old •
#foodgasm #yum #eat #foodpic #foodpics #foodphotography #foodlover #tasty #hungry #foodblogger #dessert #foods #cooking #foodies #eating #chef #foodblog #nomnom #delicious #food #foodie #instafood #japan #japanesefood #yanagiya #柳家 #日本 #日本料理 #炉端焼き #岐阜 Less
Yanagiya early summer: ayu, amago, deer heart, baby wild boar, wild unagi.. better than last summer visit •
#foodgasm #yum #eat #foodpic #foodpics #foodphotography #foodlover #tasty #hungry #foodblogger #dessert #foods #cooking #foodies #eating #chef #foodblog #nomnom #delicious... More
Yanagiya early summer: ayu, amago, deer heart, baby wild boar, wild unagi.. better than last summer visit •
#foodgasm #yum #eat #foodpic #foodpics #foodphotography #foodlover #tasty #hungry #foodblogger #dessert #foods #cooking #foodies #eating #chef #foodblog #nomnom #delicious #yanagiya #gifu #japan #japanesefood #柳家 #岐阜 #日本料理 #日本 #炉端焼き #ジビエ #robatayaki Less
Yanagiya in spring — Amago, bamboo shoots, wild boar, deer and mountain veggies miso nabe •
#foodgasm #yum #eat #foodpic #foodpics #foodphotography #foodlover #tasty #hungry #foodblogger #dessert #foods #cooking #foodies #eating #chef #foodblog #nomnom #delicious #yanagiya... More
Yanagiya in spring — Amago, bamboo shoots, wild boar, deer and mountain veggies miso nabe •
#foodgasm #yum #eat #foodpic #foodpics #foodphotography #foodlover #tasty #hungry #foodblogger #dessert #foods #cooking #foodies #eating #chef #foodblog #nomnom #delicious #yanagiya #gifu #japan #bbq #japanesefood #robatayaki #柳家 #岐阜 #炉端焼き #日本 #日本料理 Less
Yanagiya 2/3/23 — second time this winter, no more bears, special ingredient was wild duck, in addition to boar and deer. All meat dishes were grilled to perfection, probably the best meal I’ve had here since the first visit 3 years ago. •
#foodgasm #yum #eat #foodpic #foodpics #foodphotography #foodlover #tasty #hungry #foodblogger #dessert #foods... More
Yanagiya 2/3/23 — second time this winter, no more bears, special ingredient was wild duck, in addition to boar and deer. All meat dishes were grilled to perfection, probably the best meal I’ve had here since the first visit 3 years ago. •
#foodgasm #yum #eat #foodpic #foodpics #foodphotography #foodlover #tasty #hungry #foodblogger #dessert #foods #cooking #foodies #eating #chef #foodblog #nomnom #delicious #yanagiya #robatayaki #meat #japan #japanesefood #柳家 #岐阜 #炉端焼き #日本 #日本料理 #ジビエ Less
2014 DRC Grands-Echezeaux グラン エショゾー
A series of unfortunate / fortunate events led us to ordering this bottle, but ultimately, the baby in the background told us us order it.... you can see how happy he is. Stemmy, floral bouquet and tonnes of spice. We did a PnP on this and it was surprisingly approachable. The intensity of the primary fruit was high, with red and dark berries dominating... smoky, minerally.. decent finish. Cost a bit too much of a pretty... More
2014 DRC Grands-Echezeaux グラン エショゾー
A series of unfortunate / fortunate events led us to ordering this bottle, but ultimately, the baby in the background told us us order it.... you can see how happy he is. Stemmy, floral bouquet and tonnes of spice. We did a PnP on this and it was surprisingly approachable. The intensity of the primary fruit was high, with red and dark berries dominating... smoky, minerally.. decent finish. Cost a bit too much of a pretty penny imo....
こんなに若いDRCを味わってから久しぶりです。 濃いダークフルーツ、スモーキーでダークスパイスがたくさん。 ワインはとても若いですが、驚くべきことに、それはよく飲んでいました。
#ワイン #ワインバー #飲み物 #東京 #ワインディナー #kevchewine #wine #winebar #winelovers #stuffidrink #kevchedrinks #ブルゴーニュ #東京ワイン #drc #grandsechezeaux #romaneeconti #グランエシェゾー #エショゾー #yanagiya Less
Expressive and approachable at this young age, dark fruit, stemy spices, firm structure, mineral palate, textbook DRC style.
#wine #vino #winelover #winetasting #winetime #instawine #winelovers #vin #wineporn #wineoclock #winestagram #wines #vineyard #wino #winegeek #drink #winelife #domainedelaromaneeconti... More
Expressive and approachable at this young age, dark fruit, stemy spices, firm structure, mineral palate, textbook DRC style.
#wine #vino #winelover #winetasting #winetime #instawine #winelovers #vin #wineporn #wineoclock #winestagram #wines #vineyard #wino #winegeek #drink #winelife #domainedelaromaneeconti #drc #grandsechezeaux #pinotnoir #burgundy #bourgogne #frenchwine #yanagiya #柳家 #grandcru Less
Winter season visit at Yanagiya, baby bear, deer and wild boar. For me this is the time to go to this restaurant, the way of cooking lends it self much more to these ingredients then the fresh water fish in the summer.
Wonderful place1
Dinner at the legendary Yanagiya in the Gifu mountains. First meal in the summer with a different menu compared to my winter menus there.
Ayu in three different forms, two servings of vegetable tempura, then boar and deer. All of these served with the usual hospitality and executed with the seasoned skills of the chef. They use two different types of charcoal to get the right temperature for the various fish and meats.
It does not get better than this when one wants to experience the traditional... More
Dinner at the legendary Yanagiya in the Gifu mountains. First meal in the summer with a different menu compared to my winter menus there.
Ayu in three different forms, two servings of vegetable tempura, then boar and deer. All of these served with the usual hospitality and executed with the seasoned skills of the chef. They use two different types of charcoal to get the right temperature for the various fish and meats.
It does not get better than this when one wants to experience the traditional way of grilling wild animals.
However, I personally find the winter menu more interesting in variety. As much as I like ayu, three servings while interesting as to the variations, is getting tiresome.
Great meal at Yanagiya. Private rooms only, cooking in open hearth, 2 different charcoals create a special heat, cooking in irori style - the food gets grilled on skewers which lean towards the heat.
Japanese mountain yam rice with bonito stock and soy sauce, mukago potatoes | Tangerines
柳家 Yanagiya, Gifu (Dec 2016)
Japan, 〒509-6361 Gifu, Mizunami, 陶町猿爪Mashizume−573−27
Tuesday: 12:00 - 15:00; 17:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 12:00 - 15:00; 17:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 12:00 - 15:00; 17:00 - 22:00
Friday: 12:00 - 15:00; 17:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 12:00 - 15:00; 17:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 12:00 - 15:00; 17:00 - 22:00
+81 50-5263-3236