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Kyomi Kai (蕎味 櫂) Kanazawa


Average rating from 1 meal 6 / 10
Photo Views: 44
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Japanese Cuisine, Soba (Buckwheat noodles), Hot Pot

Foodle Reviews

6 / 10
on 31 Jul 2020

Chef Tajiri started his own restaurant in the old Higashiyama Chaya district in a house which is more than 100 years old. He was trained at the famous “ Soba Kaiseki Muan” in Tachikawa.
The ingredients as always in Kanazawa are local from the Toyama bay and farmers around the city. The soba noodles are homemade and ground in the restaurant using their own millstones, the mixture is sotoji.
Chef Tajiri uses his skill with soba to create some unusual and interesting dishes. The raw fish dish... More

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