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Average rating from 2 meals 7.5 / 10
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Asador - Steak

Foodle Reviews

on 28 Jun 2020

I actually quite enjoyed the starters at Portuetxe, including the following:
Pic 1. Jamón de Jabugo. Not necessarily the best but good enough.

Pic2. Esparragos Blancos Navarros Navarros White Asparagus. Super big, super soft, not a string of fibre. No need for much adornment or even sauce. Delicious! .

Pic 3. Padron Peppers Pic 4. Pimientos del Piquillo both were decent.
Pic 5. Salad with tomato. Normal.

Pic 6-8. Assorted Desserts. Can skip 😬 .

Pic 9-10. Exterior of Portuetxe.

#littlemeg_spain... More

7 / 10
on 06 Jul 2019

Fantastic place, not one tourist, not one mentioning in any list, serving great, honest food at prices which bring on the tears. A bottle of Mauro 2016 for €38 (!). The meat, as always, is a old retired dairy cow, this time a Holstein from Poland

8 / 10
on 18 Sep 2018

Here we go, this is San Sebastian, the city with the highest concentration of GM stars per inhabitants.

But maybe because or despite of this, there are places which have no rating but they serve you a sole which makes you cry.
Then just to really put the knife into you, they top it with a 5 year old holstein grilled on the outdoor parilla.
I have not even mentioned the unbelievable Hongos con huevo and the chipirones.

All of this at a price which in so called Food Temple is required to... More

Recommended in San Sebastian


Igara Bidea, 71, 20018 Donostia, Gipuzkoa, Spain


Open hours


+34 943 21 50 18

