Dinner at C'est Bon Restaurant & Le Bon Bar

Dinner at C'est Bon Restaurant & Le Bon Bar

at C'est Bon Restaurant & Le Bon Bar on 27 February 2022
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🚨 Featured Chef - Andy Ashby 🚨
Link in bio ☝️
This week we spoke with Chef Andy Ashby about how jet setting all over the globe helped shape his food philosophies and set him up to lead his first restaruant.

Chef Ashby also shared his love of cooking and how β€œThe best feeling is working in an open kitchen and watching the customer enjoy something you’ve created or sharing the passion of the dish to the customer directly,”.
Check out the link in bio and swipe for some recent dishes from Andy.
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³: @andy_anaru
🍽: @cestbonrestaurantandlebonbar
πŸ“: Brisbane, QLD
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