Wonderful ModSin dinner at Labyrinth

Wonderful ModSin dinner at Labyrinth

at Labyrinth on 13 May 2018
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A great introduction to LG Han's Modern Singaporean cuisine, featuring plenty of local ingredients. Highly recommended.

Full account of dinner is here: http://www.diarygrowingboy.com/2018/05/singapore-hop-2018-modsin-tasting.html

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tea leaf smoked quail egg

tea leaf smoked quail egg

Ah Hua Kelong lala clams, XO sambal, deep fried wonton skin and Chinese spinach

"Ang moh" chicken rice, home-milled rice flour, grandma's chili sauce and braised chicken

Local wild caught crab, signature chili ice cream, egg whites and salted mackerel

Uncle William's quail, satay espuma, muah chee and pearl onion

Cristal de Chine caviar, kaya ice cream and Sing Hon Loong toast