Early dinner at Hotel Metropolitan Edmont

Early dinner at Hotel Metropolitan Edmont

with Gerhard Huber at Hotel Metropolitan Edmont on 8 December 2024
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A full kaiseki meal to accompany an epic vertical tasting of Isojiman Nakatori Adagio.

The food was decent, as befits the reputation of this hotel.

Full account of this early dinner is on my blog: https://www.diarygrowingboy.com/2024/12/tokyo-2024-day-3-isojiman-mon-amour.html

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Soup: Chinese softshell turtle soup, Chinese softshell turtle ball, grilled mochi, chrysanthemum greens, shredded leeks (お椀: すっぽん澄まし すっぽん真丈 焼餅 春琴 白髮葱 汁生姜)

Sashimi: tuna, striped jack, scallop (造り: 鮪 帆立 あしらえ一式)

Grilled dish: miso-marinated winter yellowtail, yuzu shavings, salted bigfin reef squid, kelp roll, wine-marinated fig, castella, matsukaze-yaki (焼物: 寒鰤味噌漬け 振り柚子 煽り烏賊鯛塩辛温玉 昆布巻き 無花果ワイン カステラ 松風 松葉蕎麦 はじかみ)

Simmered dish: simmered beef tendon, Gensuke radish, spinach, autumn leaf gluten (煮物: 牛すじ煮込み 源助大根 法蓮草 紅葉麩 山椒)

Deep-fried dish: shrimp toast, sweet potato, green pepper (揚物: 海老真丈パン 丸十 青唐 柚子胡椒マヨネーズ レモン 雪塩)

Rice: salmon roe and salmon ochazuke (食事: いくら 鮭 茶づけ 三つ葉 ぶぶられ 胡麻 海苔 山葵 香の物)