Dinner at Shima

Dinner at Shima

at Shima on 16 March 2019
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Nice dinner at this classic steak restaurant, with their famous steak sandwiches as takeaways. We should have eaten the sandwiches hot while in the restaurant...

Full account of dinner is here: http://www.diarygrowingboy.com/2019/03/tokyo-hop-march-2019-question-of-time.html

7 / 10

White asparagus (ホワイトアスパラ)

French onion soup (オニオングラタンスープ)

Sirloin steak (ロース肉のステーキ)

Sirloin steak (ロース肉のステーキ)

Tenderloin steak (テンダーロインのステーキ)

Tenderloin steak (テンダーロインのステーキ)

Sirloin steak sandwich

Tenderloin steak sandwich