Teppanyaki dinner at The Ukai

Teppanyaki dinner at The Ukai

at The Ukai on 23 January 2023
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A very good dinner at this Taipei outpost of the famed Japanese group. This dinner was on the teppanyaki side, with a good mix of premium Japanese and local ingredients.

Full account of dinner is here: https://www.diarygrowingboy.com/2023/01/taking-expensive-option.html

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Ingredients for the night

Ingredients for the night

Local abalone (九孔鮑魚) with sea urchin and caviar

Sliced wagyu sirloin with black truffles on mushroom

Ise lobster (伊勢海老) with cured mullet roe

Somen (素麵) with Japanese snow crab (松葉蟹)

Wagyu filet mignon

Wagyu filet mignon

Ise lobster head soup

Crème caramel