Wonderful dinner at Molino de Urdániz

Wonderful dinner at Molino de Urdániz

at Molino de Urdániz on 26 November 2022
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A real surprise at dinner while checking out this outpost of a 2-star from Pamplona. Modern Spanish / molecular cuisine is my favorite style of cuisine when it's done when, and I couldn't believe there is this little gem right in Taipei!

Everything was just so refined. Visually pleasing and satisfying to the palate. Will definitely come back.

Full account of dinner is here: https://www.diarygrowingboy.com/2022/11/my-new-favorite-in-taipei.html

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Pepino encurtido y aliño de hierbas, pepino osmotizado, crema de ostras, hierbas y notas lácteas

Buey de mar, sobre una crema de almendra

Royal de salazones ahumados, verduras y licuado vegetal

Pescado glaseado y ahumado, sobre crema de jamón

Gamba roja, hinojo, huevas y meunière

Ostra asada, cacahuete y lima sobre un toffee de ajo

Bogavante, curry verde de piparras y Americana de manos

Chocolate etéro, crema helada de lupulo y vinagre de manzanill