Dinner at Hanakoji Sawada

Dinner at Hanakoji Sawada

at Hanakoji Sawada on 3 December 2018
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A nice dinner at this 3-star kaiseki in Sapporo.

Full account of dinner is here: https://www.diarygrowingboy.com/2018/12/japan-2018-day-3-3-star-crab.html

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hinese yam with salmon roe and tonburi (長芋 イクラ とんぶり 出汁ジュレ)

Japanese horsehair crab (毛蟹)

Eggplant, miso, and sea urchin (茄子田楽 雲丹)

Grilled tilefish (甘鯛焼き)

Gunma Meigetsu apple sorbet (ぐんま名月 シャーベット)

Gunma Meigetsu apple sorbet (ぐんま名月 シャーベット)