The Master of edomae in Kyushu, dinner at Osamu (鮨 おさむ)

The Master of edomae in Kyushu, dinner at Osamu (鮨 おさむ)

at Sushi Osamu (鮨 おさむ) on 7 May 2018
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- Muto Osamu

Wonderful sushi restaurant 30 minutes with the bus from the center of town.

A very friendly couple running the place trying to be accommodating to foreigners providing all kinds of material to make the experience good. The lady of the house shows you the fish on her smart phone so you can see what you are eating.

The shari is less acidic as in Edo-mae as Chef Osamu Muto uses sometimes Hassaku to flavour the sushi.

Absolute highlight were the abalone in its own liver sauce, the Tai and Mirufiyu (double layer of different tuna).

9 / 10