Dinner at Waldhotel Sonnora

Dinner at Waldhotel Sonnora

at Waldhotel Sonnora on 26 April 2018
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Clemens Rambichl

Technically a new 3-star restaurant as unfortunately in 2017 the famous Chef Helmut Thieltges died suddenly and Chef Rambichl took over.
Now he is at 29 years the youngest 3-star Chef in Germany and certainly one of the youngest in the world.
His cuisine is a direct continuation of the classical style of Mr. Thieltges with some small changes. This is because he totally supports the style of his mentor and not because he wanted to copy it. However in the future there will be more gradual changes coming. His theme is evolution not revolution.
This meal was accented by the sweetbread course which was tender, but with the right texture, served at the right temperature. The other outstanding course was the Suprême of Etouffé pigeon.

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