Dinner at Noma

Dinner at Noma

at noma on 10 April 2018
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Noma @nomacph

seafood menu at entrance @nomacph

flying octopus @nomacph

Faroe island sea snails 5 hours confit liquid & dashi & hen of woods mushrooms & pickled herbes and seeds from 2017 @nomacph

multi personality Venus clams & reduced cucumber juice, butter and black currant oil as fudge

Christian Tschda, Himmel Auf Erde Weiss, Austria 2016 @nomacph

Steamed mantles of mussels & tartare of rest with smoked butter @nomacph

Norway shrimp heads / tartare of the shrimp with gooseberry & dried fish broth crisp & last seasons dried fruits @nomacph

Cured egg yolk and trout roe & crispy salted plums & pumpkin seeds oil @nomacph

Jellyfish (squid and seaweed jello) & lumpfish roe & pickled seaweed tasting & dried shrimp @nomacph

the rare (one barrel produced per year) - Boulanger & Allante, phenomaynal, Chardonnay, jura 2014 @nomacph

counting the years @nomacph

Scallop and it's roe & mussels and vegetable reduction @nomacph

Super old mahogany clams & black currant capers & salted goose berry & black currant wood oil @nomacph

Wild oyster & gooseberry & mini wasabi leaf and flowers @nomacph

Sea urchin & fermented and peeled pumpkin seeds & rose water @nomacph

Razor clams & pickled herbs and seeds & clam water @nomacph

Sea cucumber skin chicharron & dehydrated sea cucumber roe & kelp whipped cream @nomacph

Ton Rimbau, Porcellanic VI xarel-lo, penedes 2011 @nomacph

wine room & sunlight @nomacph

Ragu of 50 years horsemussel from Faroe island & preserved plum tomatoes & aromatics & sourdough crumbs @nomacph

Squid & seaweed butter @nomacph

Fermented barley and arctic thyme oil confit sea snail & horseradish butter and rhubarb & rose petals dehydrated with seaweed dashi served in bees wax bowl @nomacph

Cheeks & fin & jowl & eye of cod grilled & brushed with spicy ants paste and mushroom and fennel sauce / dippings of ant paste & horseradish milk & saffron and fennel @nomacph

Grilled ramps brushed with dried scallop paste

Cod cheek grilled & wasabi flowers & cod sperm & watercress & chanterelles paste on seaweed flat bread @nomacph

small preview of the veggie season to come - tempura of butterbur with thyme and beer batter @nomacph

Terada honke, daigo no shizuku, brewed using bodaimoto method, Chiba 2017 @nomacph

Pear fermented like black garlic for three months mixed with bees wax as shell & filled with kelp ice cream & beet and bilberry @nomacph

Cloud berry & yogurt sorbet & baby pine cones confit for 3 hours & rose oil @nomacph

Sugar kelp tart & pine & oyster crisp @nomacph

Plankton cake & black currant & rose & juniper @nomacph

main kitchen @nomacph

Prep kitchen @nomacph

removable glass ceilings for possible future reconfiguration @nomacph

some koji buttermilk fried chicken for family meal? @nomacph

so much peaso! @nomacph

pet shop @nomacph

future bakery @nomacph

Veggie season prep @nomacph

future sauna site @nomacph

one for the road - l'Anglore, Tavel Rhone 2010 @nomacph

that's it @nomacph