Dinner at 黒豚とんこつ 金田家

Dinner at 黒豚とんこつ 金田家

at Kanada Ya Hon Ten (金田家) on 4 November 2024
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金田家 (Kanadaya in Fukuoka)

This was pork perfection. The soup is buttery and smooth, without any funk. Chashu sliced so thin that it would dissolve if it wasn’t lovingly placed on the sides of the bowl. Just a touch of the standard green onion and kikurage mushroom.

I'm currently breaking down the Top 100 #hyakumeiten #百名店 shops from around Japan. This one is 44/100 on the West Japan list.

Full writeup on the #ramenadventures website. For all my #ramen posts head over there. Links are in the bio. Let's #slurp @ramenadventures
