Dinner at 彩色ラーメンきんせい

Dinner at 彩色ラーメンきんせい

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彩色ラーメン きんせい 高槻駅前店 (Kinsei in Takatsuki, Osaka)

The Takatsuki branch of Kinsei has replaced the now-closed Tonda branch as the head of the Kinsei Group. This group has four shops under the Kinsei moniker, five under Nakamura Shoten (中村商店), and one Jiro-style shop called KinJiro (麺屋 きん次郎). They are known for their luxurious shoyu (極みの醤油) and kodawari shio (こだわりの塩).

I'm currently breaking down the Top 100 #hyakumeiten #百名店 shops from around Japan. This one is 39/100 on the Osaka list.

Full writeup on the #ramenadventures website. For all my #ramen posts head over there. Links are in the bio. Let's #slurp @ramenadventures
