Dinner at 鯛白湯らーめんmarudesankaku

Dinner at 鯛白湯らーめんmarudesankaku

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鯛白湯らーめん ○de▽ (Marudesankaku in Osaka)

Yes, much like the artist formerly known as Prince, this ramen shop’s name is made up of symbols. And though I can’t say I followed Prince’s career, I know he was a trend in the world of rock for some time, just like creamy ramen made with tai (鯛) sea bream is an ongoing trend in the world of Japanese ramen. So put on your favorite raspberry beret and check out this interesting shop.

I'm currently breaking down the Top 100 #hyakumeiten #百名店 shops from around Japan. This one is 81/100 on the Osaka list.

Full writeup on the #ramenadventures website. For all my #ramen posts head over there. Links are in the bio. Let's #slurp @ramenadventures
