Dinner at Restaurant Lola

Dinner at Restaurant Lola

with Jannie Micheelsen at Lola on 1 July 2020
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We found ourselves with no children for a full week and wanted to taste the Copenhagen kitchen scene. Lola was at the time a fairly new restaurant and praised in local media, so we got a table with limited time.
Lola is a restaurant with some remarkable forces behind it. Kamilla Seidler who started the restaurant have been awarded best chef in the world for the Latin world in 2016 for the Bolivian restaurant she opened with Claus Meyer.
We had a seating outside in the yard in the beginning and then inside. A very pleasant place, more colorful than your average Copenhagen restaurants.
The food was very delightful and very excellent, the tastes and dining type is very south American and Indian types and the wines was very natural types.
We had a very short meal, so we wanted to try again, and we will come back no doubt. (actually tomorrow from when I wrote this review)

South American
8 / 10