Dinner at 柚木元

Dinner at 柚木元

at Yukimoto (柚木元) on 17 July 2024
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in nagano, japan (june’24)

so happy i finally got to try yukimoto, one of the highlights this trip. it was one of those places where i thought their gold award was truly deserving with no faulty dish and a breathe of meat and cooking served in our course today.

began with a marinated veggie platter, with an ayu senbei and a mutton soushi. followed by an onion dashi, made with kombu, kabu which was so simple, but so sweet. really loved the local nagano style ohaki meat pocket, stuffed with veggies and pulled pork, before panfried so outside was crispy.

ayu harumaki was also surprisingly good, they fried the head on its own, before stuffing it into the spring roll with the body which removed all the bitter taste. suppon was a bit tough, maybe as its still too early on in the season. but extremely happy to have gotten a spring bear nabe, with burdock, chives, egg and takenoko, as well as a homemade chilli sauce on the side. this unique spring bear feeds off kinome and strawberries, so the meat itself is soft and sweet, as opposed to the winter bears which focus on the high levels of fat. off-menu shime is highly recommended if they offer it, their mutton curry and the mutton miso ramen, wish i had the stomach for a second bowl cuz it was so so good.

really really love this place, except for its extremely hard to get to and suburban location. would definitely be back for matsutake and gibier soon.

六月スペシャルコース (~¥30,000)
✨前菜 starters
✨新玉葱、蕪と昆布だし onion in dashi
羊肉のたたき lamb tataki
✨豚、山菜のおはき pulled pork pocket
ザリがにの茶碗蒸し crawfish chawanmushi
✨あゆの春巻き ayu springroll
豆とじゃがいもの揚げ出し peas & potato fried tofu in dashi
焼きすっぽん、紫バジル grilled suppon, basil
✨小熊の鍋: ごうぼう、たけのこ、卵、チャイブ spring bear hotpot with burdock, takenoko, egg, chives
✨マトンと野菜カレー mutton veg curry rice
✨マトンの味噌らーめん mutton miso ramen
✨梅とミルクの最中 ume and milk monaka
would revisit: yes
reservations online
price range pp: ¥30,000-¥60,000
location: 2-21 towacho, iida, nagano