
Susan Maree Jeavons is an enchanting storyteller known for her captivating tales that transport readers to magical realms where good fairies sprinkle fairy dust under starlit skies. With an imaginative flair, Susan weaves rhymes that dance like fireflies through the pages of her books, inviting children to wish upon a star and explore the wonders of her enchanted forest worlds.

Her latest work, "Far Away Far Away," devoid of mean fairies, radiates with the innocence and beauty of childhood dreams. Through her lyrical prose, children are whisked away on whimsical journeys accompanied by dragonflies, butterflies, and the gentle glow of fireflies illuminating the night. Susan's stories are not just read; they're cherished, with the potential to be memorized and recited by generations to come.

Drawing inspiration from the magic of nature, Susan Maree Jeavons brings to life tales that evoke wonder and ignite the imagination. In her stories, the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the mundane is infused with the sparkle of fairy enchantment.


Willoughby, United States


August 12


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