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Winteringham Fields Winteringham


Average rating from 1 meal 8 / 10
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Restaurant Views: 977
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Colin McGurran


Modern Cuisine

Foodle Reviews

8 / 10
on 04 Sep 2014

This was another wonderful opportunity to taste the Great British Menu dishes and this time, those of Colin McGurran and was a total pleasure to finally meet him and visit his hotel, which is beautifully designed. The dishes provided were the selection of his GBM favourites from all of his many appearances, which was something I could not miss. I was welcomed with open arms and was a total pleasure to sample the menu. Particular favourites were the clever apple within the pig jowl starter, the... More

Recommended in Winteringham


1 Silver St, Winteringham, Scunthorpe DN15 9ND, UK


+44 (1724) 73 30 96

