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Gilpin Lodge Country House Hotel Windermere


Average rating from 1 meal 8 / 10
Photo Views: 18
Restaurant Views: 1,214
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Regional cuisine Cuisine, International


Hrishikesh Desai

Foodle Reviews

8 / 10
on 18 Dec 2016

This is not the first time I have been to the Giplin as I have had the pleasure of afternoon tea here which, is just about as pleasant a place for high tea as you can get with its wonderful blend of luxury comfort and homliness at the same time. In passing on the way to Scotland, lunch clearly had to be done and was a very good option for £35 (snacks and 3 courses). I thought an amuse bouche wouldn’t have gone a miss for a place of this calibre, but as the food was entirely gorgeous, this... More

Recommended in Windermere


Crook Rd, Windermere LA23 3NE, UK


+44 (15394) 88 18 8

