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5 North St Winchcombe


Average rating from 1 meal 9 / 10
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Marcus Ashenford


Modern British

Foodle Reviews

9 / 10
on 15 Sep 2016

Seemingly tucked away from anywhere and buried deep in the greenery of England is this delightful hamlet of Winchcombe which appeared to have a population of about 200(!) and was very nice to stumble across. The heritage of 5 North St is plain to see and husband and wife team Marcus (Gus) and Kate Ashenford motor on here with a cheery smile as they have been doing for the last 13 years of owing 5 North St. Superb food and personalised service in a wonderful, cosy setting.

The hospitality was... More

Recommended in Winchcombe


5 North St, Winchcombe, Cheltenham GL54 5LH, UK


Open hours


+44 (1242) 60 45 66

