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Driftwood Trewithian


Average rating from 1 meal 9 / 10
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Regional cuisine Cuisine


Chris Eden

Foodle Reviews

9 / 10
on 13 Feb 2017

I loved this place. Tucked away at the end of country lanes sits this alluring seaview hotel with its Michelin starred restaurant. The short version is that it was actually quite difficult to pick many holes with this visit in any way as I thought the setting was charming, the food as heartfelt with strong and completely amenable flavours (many of which stem from the chef’s childhood experiences), the décor cosy and although the service was not as polished as some other luxury hotels overall,... More


Rosevine, S W Coast Path, Portscatho, Truro TR2 5EW, UK


+44 (1872) 58 06 44

