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Isle of Eriska South Shian


Average rating from 1 meal 8 / 10
Photo Views: 1
Restaurant Views: 1,295
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Scottish, Seasonal Cuisine

Foodle Reviews

8 / 10
on 19 Dec 2016

Quick fire summary of here is that the food was beautifully done with near impeccable service. There was a wonderful selection of wines to be paired by the small glass courtesy of the trusty Coravin and this meal really was good food, utterly deserving of its, prestigious accolade. I’ve given details of the meal in the expandable review below however, main point is that even though you will not be able to get here without a car and a fair hike, this was also a very difficult place to leave... More


Argyll, Benderloch, Oban PA37 1SD, UK


Open hours


+44 1631 720371

