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Pipe and Glass South Dalton


Average rating from 1 meal 8 / 10
Photo Views: 36
Restaurant Views: 2,096
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James Mackenzie


Traditional British

Foodle Reviews

8 / 10
on 26 Nov 2016

Well this is one of the nicest pubs in the country and thank the maker I was able to go at lunch so I could see it in all its glory. The restaurant itself was fully booked on the Saturday lunch I visited and so luckily the bar area serves the same menu on a drop in basis – lucky for me I got there just after midday as the bar area alone was already half full such is its popularity. Beautiful gardens and a herbarium surrounded the elegant feel of the pub inside and was great to have a Michelin... More


W End, South Dalton, Beverley HU17 7PN, UK


+44 (01430) 810246

