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The Oxford Kitchen Oxford


Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
Photo Views: 15
Restaurant Views: 1,128
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Regional cuisine Cuisine

Foodle Reviews

7 / 10
on 05 Oct 2018

Oxford kitchen is the only Michelin starred restaurant within the town of Oxford and gained its star in the 2019 guide. Paul Welburn is the head chef and this was a very cosy experience. The restaurant feels like a proper establishment with good and unpretentious service combined. This set lunch was a very welcome addition to the Michelin starred family with quality breads and skilful handling of simple ingredients. It was also a very reasonable 3-course set menu for £28.50. More detail on the food... More

Recommended in Oxford


215 Banbury Rd, Oxford OX2 7HQ, UK


Permanently Closed


+44 186 5511149

