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Average rating from 1 meal 9 / 10
Photo Views: 67
Restaurant Views: 1,462
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Foodle Reviews

9 / 10
on 01 Jun 2013

To celebrate my Birthday with a very select food-friendly few, the nearest 3 Michelin starred venue to my place of work was one hour down the road in the peaceful hamlet of Osnabruck. Having never been there it was nice to go via the German Deutche Bahn with a bottle of ‘poo’ along the way. The lovely finihs to this was that on arrival at Osnabruck station, a chauffeur was by his car, at the ready to take us to La Vie (I got wind of this on the phone to them and of course seized the option) –... More

Recommended in Osnabrück


Krahnstraße 1-2, 49074 Osnabrück, Germany


Permanently Closed


+49 541 331150

