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French Living Nottingham


Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
Photo Views: 20
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Foodle Reviews

7 / 10
on 27 Jun 2015

This was a lovely place to stumble across and very pleased my old Uni mate recommended and took me here. This is basically a little piece of France in the heart of Nottingham, owned by Corsican born Stéphane. The menu is utterly in French keeping as is the calm beat within the homely setting inside where it simply feels wrong to rush. And why would you when the food is as good as it was! My tartlet was just right, the red wine and blueberry sauce to go with the veal was just fantastic and... More

Recommended in Nottingham


27 King St, Nottingham NG1 2AY, UK


Open hours


+44 115 958 5885

