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Nut Tree Inn Murcott


Average rating from 1 meal 8 / 10
Photo Views: 14
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Michael North, Mary North


Modern British

Foodle Reviews

8 / 10
on 05 May 2016

Having finished a spontaneous shopping spree in Bicester Village I was feeling peckish and a radius check of the area alerted me to the Michelin starred Nut Tree Inn only being a 10 minute drive away! A lucky, spare table existed revealing three options: an a la carte averaging £50 for 3 courses, a tasting menu for £60 or classics such as battered fish and chips for approximately £12. As I had time on my hands and not sure how long it would be until my next visit, the tasting menu was a no... More


Main St, Murcott, Kidlington OX5 2RE, UK


Open hours


+44 (1865) 331253

